East Coast Minecraft

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Messages - drknus

Pages: [1] 2
Just updating the progress to completed. Moved over 100GB of data around! :o

Everything should be running smoothly. Please report any issues otherwise.

There will be a short downtime today.

Vanilla Survival PVE / Attn: TomYamGoong & xkiller1
« on: August 27, 2016, 08:11:44 PM »
lol  ;)

Saw you fell into my trap

Vanilla Survival PVE / Re: [README] Server Rules and Info!
« on: August 19, 2016, 07:00:15 PM »

Factions PVP Survival / MOVED: Dynmap
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:46:12 PM »

Creative / MOVED: Dynmap
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:45:54 PM »

General Discussion / [hidden] Members Only Board! (Info inside)
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:42:58 PM »
Once you become a "Full Member" you'll have access to a secret members only board to talk and share amongst trusted people.

There are several ways to achieve this status. One of which is being an active member of the community and raising up in the ranks. The other is being really really nice to the admins ;)

Members will be given DynMap address to view dynamic map updates for servers.

Banned / [READ ME] Information regarding bans
« on: August 17, 2016, 03:25:55 PM »
If you've been banned and want to appeal it or if there's someone you think should be banned... Start a thread and state your case. Evidence (screen shots/video) will help you more than anything else.

Players will earn rewards for catching cheaters. Cheaters will be banned across all servers forever (unless successfully appealed of course).

Factions PVP Survival / Oh just a little castle I'm building
« on: August 17, 2016, 02:50:47 PM »

It started off with my classic "wizard" castle as you can see in the top right; which I made a pathway through a small stone wall on my way to the large open area where i began excavating for construction.

If you'd like to join my faction we can build together!

General Discussion / Re: New Forums & New Changes!
« on: August 17, 2016, 02:40:55 PM »
A new clone. She's black this time due to some sort of mutation. How she got up there who knows, but she can't get down... how long before she dies?! I hope she doesn't need much grass..

Factions PVP Survival / Re: [README] Server Rules and Info!
« on: August 17, 2016, 02:38:52 PM »
The hunting cabin spawn. It's not much but will give you a safe place to start off.

It's important that if you enjoy playing on our servers that you help us out by voting! We can't build a strong community without you.

Currently we have server profiles on both Planet Minecraft (PMC) and Minecraft Index (MCI). You can and should vote for each every 24h to earn in game rewards as well as cumulative votes.

Cumulative votes will earn additional rewards over time and will show me the players which help the server out the most (which could be used in granting certain op permissions and such).

Votes will work while offline. So feel free to vote at anytime to earn your rewards next time you login. If you vote for the lobby server, your vote and rewards will be available on all subsequent servers. (you can vote once for each of the links below every day).

PlanetMC: http://goo.gl/FIQCd0
MC-Index: http://goo.gl/gMIuh9

Server Specific

Factions PVP Survival / [README] Server Rules and Info!
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:11:12 AM »
Hello and welcome to our Factions PVP server!

This server is running Factions PVP Survival! Create teams and dominate the landscape. Your land claims and buildings are protected!

Type /f for factions commands.

Claiming land is done with power. The more power you have the more land you can claim. You gain power by staying alive and playing on the server. You lose power by dying. Adding additional members to your faction increases your total available power. Land can be stolen if you (or another faction) doesn't have enough power to "hold" it.

Voting on PlanetMinecraft will get you a BEAR GRILZ MineCraft Survival Pack (a few rations and tools to help feed you). But also a chance to earn a powerboost! (http://goo.gl/ShZnEg). You do not have to be logged into the factions server to receive your reward. It will be queued for when you join.

General Server Information

Hub Connection: mc.conglomer.net:25565 (recommended)
Using this address will generally connect to the lobby or the last server you were connected to when logging off.

Direct Connection Details: factions.mc.conglomer.net:25565
Using this address will always bypass the hub/lobby and connect to the server directly.

Code: [Select]
gamemode 0
difficulty 2
pvp true
hardcore false
max-world-size 30000 (current world border 6000 x 6000 radius (12k x 12k blocks))
spawn-protection 32
spawn-monster true
spawn-npcs true

Server Rules
  • NO hacking/cheating
  • NO being racist
  • NO hate

Swearing is OK to some degree, but don't be a shit. Everything else is at discretion of the admins. Act like a normal person and things should be fine.

  • MassiveCore/Factions
  • WorldBorder
  • WorldGuard
  • others..

- to be updated -

Creative / [README] Server Rules and Info!
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:07:18 AM »
Hello and welcome to our Creative server!

This server is under construction. It's there. It's functional. Features are being built.

General Server Information

Hub Connection: mc.conglomer.net:25565 (recommended)
Using this address will generally connect to the lobby or the last server you were connected to when logging off.

Direct Connection Details: creative.mc.conglomer.net:25565
Using this address will always bypass the hub/lobby and connect to the server directly.

Code: [Select]
gamemode 1
difficulty 0
pvp false
hardcore false
max-world-size 1000000 (current world border 5000 x 5000 radius (10k x 10k blocks))
spawn-protection 250
spawn-monster false
spawn-npcs false

Server Rules

  • NO being racist
  • NO hate

Swearing is OK to some degree, but don't be a shit. Everything else is at discretion of the admins. Act like a normal person and things should be fine.

Plugins (under construction)

- to be updated -

Vanilla Survival PVE / [README] Server Rules and Info!
« on: August 15, 2016, 07:21:58 PM »
Hello and welcome to our Vanilla Minecraft Survival Experience!

We wanted to retain the original feel of the game while providing modern enhancements and improvements that prevent spamming, hacking and any unfair advantages over legitimate players. This includes flying/lag cheats, texture pack xray cheats and others. (The thresholds we've set are quite generous and we have no plans to relax these at anytime in the future. If you're a regular player you'll understand these limits are rarely hit).

If you're caught cheating... that's a paddlin'... which is likely a perma ban. Don't be a nub.

General Server Information

Hub Connection: mc.conglomer.net:25565 (recommended)
Using this address will generally connect to the lobby or the last server you were connected to when logging off.

Direct Connection Details: vanilla.mc.conglomer.net:25565
Using this address will always bypass the hub/lobby and connect to the server directly.

Code: [Select]
gamemode 0
difficulty 2
pvp false
hardcore false
max-world-size 29999984

Server Rules

  • NO cheating/hacking
  • NO being racist
  • NO hate
  • NO commands! (this is vanilla afterall)

Swearing is OK to some degree, but don't be a shit. Everything else is at discretion of the admins. Act like a normal person and things should be fine.

- to be updated -

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